Art2Arrange - Weddings & Events

Steffi & Rick, Industrial Wedding in Amsterdam

Steffi and Rick celebrated their lovely wedding on a sunny summer day at unique industrial location. Just outside of Amsterdam, you will find a former pistol factory with beautifully arched windows and sky high ceilings. This served as the perfect edgy setting, which was then personalized with shades of light green and bright styling and all the flowers you can imagine! Steffi and Rick’s wedding was intimate, joyful, and stylish and surrounded by warm weather and a lovely summer breeze.

Our bride Steffi combined forces with Annelies, the lovely lady behind Art2Arrange, to plan this magnificent wedding; which came easily to these two as they had attended the same wedding planner academy years ago. Even though Steffi chose a different career path, she still loves to organize events, so she asked Annelies to be their master of ceremonies. This means that Art2Arrange took care of all the documents and agreements Steffi and Rick made with the various wedding vendors, and Art2Arrange took on the coordination during their wedding day. An incredible combination that created a day no one will forget!

Published: 10 December 2018


Muiden - The Netherlands

Photo credits

Schellekens en Cleijsen

Wedding Services

